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What Can I Do to Stop My Cat From Scatching My Leather Sofa

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How to Stop Cats from Scratching Leather Furniture

Imagine this… Yous have just brought yourself a beautiful new leather couch that you had to save upwards for a while to exist able to afford.

You lot come down one morning with a cup of coffee, smiling to yourself and ready to sink into your new chair. That's when you see information technology: scratch marks down the side of your make new couch.

Does this story sound all as well familiar? Cats, as wonderful as they are, love to dig their claws into our piece of furniture, and leather is 1 of their favorite materials to claw at.

To finish your true cat from scratching leather piece of furniture, you tin can provide a feline scratching post or true cat tree, or employ a cat deterrent to discourage them from using your couch to sharpen their claws. You should likewise think virtually why your cat is scratching your leather furniture in the first place. Is it colorlessness? Are they trying to marker their territory? Are they stressed?

In this article, we will run through how to stop cats from scratching leather furniture and why they could be acting this mode so that you lot tin can have a scratch mark-gratuitous home and a happy true cat.

Thankfully, there are several means you tin can deter cats from scratching leather furniture. You tin use one of these methods or a combination of several until you find a solution that works for you.

1. Provide Alternative Scratching Options

The first thing you can do is buy a scratching post or a cat tree that has an area for your cat to claw. If in that location is an culling scratching option for your cat to scratch at, they will likely prefer it to your leather burrow. This will break the fascination that they accept with your furniture.

What Scratch Post Should I Use?

Sisal scratch posts are a great option equally this fabric is durable and mimics tree trunks, which would be where a cat would scratch in the wild. You lot can as well go cheaper cardboard scratching posts which cats will love, but these are not as durable as sisal scratching posts. Wood is some other suitable culling.

If you find that your true cat always goes for your leather burrow over your wooden bookcase, it may be that they prefer scratching leather. If this is the case, you could also invest in a small piece of leather that is similar to the material of your sofa and attach this to their scratching mail to encourage them to use it.

Yous will as well need to choose a scratching post that is the right size for your cat. Kittens will only need a small mail service, whereas fully grown cats and bigger breeds volition need larger and more stable ones. Ideally, the scratching post should be tall enough so that your cat and stretch fully when using it.

How Tin can I Railroad train My Cat to Use Their Scratch Mail service?

Earlier even starting to railroad train your cat to use their new scratching postal service, you demand to call up about where y'all place it. If your cat is frequently scratching your couch or any other piece of article of furniture in your dwelling, try placing their scratching post directly in front of it. This tin help them run across this as a better alternative.

You tin can too encourage your cat to utilize their scratching post by using catnip. This is non a fool-proof method and some cats respond more to catnip than others. Nonetheless, sprinkling catnip on the base of the scratch post can encourage some cats to start using it. Treats also work well and yous can advantage your cat with a care for each time they hook at their scratching post.

Play can also assistance your cats realize that their new scratching mail is actually a lot of fun, style more fun than your burrow! Endeavour using a wand cat toy. Wave the toy on the post to motivate your cat to reach up and identify her paws on the scratch post.

two. Use Piece of furniture Protectors

If you lot desire to know how to protect a leather burrow from cats, you lot'll be pleased to know that you can buy products designed specifically for this, such as a cat scratch baby-sit for leather couches. Therefore, if your cat does still go for your favorite couch, they will dig their claws into the protector rather than damaging the piece of furniture.

What Type of Couch Protectors Can I Buy?

Some owners don't like to use a leather couch protector for cats equally they do need to be placed over your article of furniture, hiding your lovely couch. However, you can get couch protectors of all shapes and sizes, from small guards that are placed forth the arm of your sofa, to protectors that embrace your entire couch.

Because of the range of dissimilar options out there, there is something for everyone! And so, before you lot plough your nose upward at the thought of covering up your sofa, accept a look at some of the options available:

  • Plastic Couch Covers: These are transparent covers that encompass your entire couch, protecting information technology from everything from true cat scratches to cat vomit and toilet accidents. You can purchase plastic couch protectors that are designed especially to protect from clawing which are actress-thick.
  • Fabric Slip Covers: These are waterproof covers made from a fabric material that more often than not covers the seating expanse, front, and back of your couch much like a normal couch blanket. These are dandy at protecting against hook marks and accidents and can make an old couch expect homely and comforting again.
  • Adhesive Furniture Protectors: If your cat merely scratches the sides of your burrow, you may exist best opting for a transparent adhesive cat scratch baby-sit which can be stuck onto the side or back of your sofa, or wherever it is they scratch. You tin can get these in a range of sizes.

If you are really against using a true cat scratch guard for leather couches, you could try draping a coating over your sofa. Even this could make it the style of your cat and deter them from using your furniture as their scratching post.

Which Burrow Protector is Right For Me?

You must cull the right leather couch protector for your cat. If they always claw at the back of the sofa, a protector that fits over the seats is not going to be constructive, and vice versa. Matching the true cat scratch guard with where your cat scratches is key to its success.

If your cat only scratches the sides and back of the sofa, so an adhesive furniture protector could be a skillful selection. The majority of your couch volition nonetheless exist on display while the back and side and protected.

Conversely, if your true cat claws on the seats or at various locations on your leather couch, a plastic couch cover that encapsulates the entire sofa is a amend option. These also have the benefit of protecting your couch from spills and bathroom accidents, which is great if your cat vomits a lot, sprays on your burrow, or has other toilet troubles.

3. Utilise Scents as a Deterrent

Cats have a sense of smell that is xv times as potent as humans, and therefore many scents are too overpowering for cats. You tin use cat deterrent sprays to end cats from scratching furniture that smell of these odors that they dislike.

What Smells Practise Cats Hate?

At that place are many surprising smells that cats detest that are besides strong for cats. Ordinarily disliked smells include citrus, lavender, cinnamon, mint, and rosemary. Cats likewise dislike spicy smells such as chili, pepper, and mustard, and most cats will plough their noses upwardly at the olfactory property of banana and coffee besides.

Many people beloved these smells, especially citrus which is used in cleaning products, and cinnamon which reminds u.s.a. of freshly baked cookies. Yet, these scents are all too overpowering for cats. If they can grab a whiff of any of these odors, they will probable steer clear of the area.

How Can These Smells Finish My Cat Scratching the Burrow?

Past spraying these scents where your cat likes to scratch, they can be repelled and deterred from scratching your piece of furniture. Withal, leather tin can easily be damaged and so you must use a true cat repellent for leather furniture. You can notice out if the spray is safe for use on leather by checking the bottle.

If you are worried near using chemical products on your furniture, y'all can as well make homemade cat deterrent sprays using mainly h2o that are safe for your leather couch. For case:

  • Rosemary Deterrent Spray: Make full a spray bottle three-quarters of the manner with water and add a few drops of washing up liquid and 10 drops of rosemary essential oil. Put the lid on and shake, and then spray on your leather couch.
  • Citrus Deterrent Spray: Fill a spray bottle three-quarters of the way with h2o and add together ten drops of lemongrass, bergamot, or any other citrus-scented essential oil. Return the hat to the bottle, shake the contents, and spray on your sofa.

Information technology is as well important that the deterrent spray is safe for cats, as you lot don't desire to crusade them whatever impairment or distress while saving your sofa. For this reason, I would opt for products fabricated from natural ingredients equally these are less probable to have any detrimental effects. Too, only spray in moderation and then that your true cat does not get stressed. Modest quantities volition nonetheless be effective while keeping your cat happy.

iv. Clean Your Couch

Each fourth dimension a true cat scratches, they deposit pheromones which marks their territory. Equally a cat's sense of olfactory property is so powerful, they may also exist returning to scratch the same spot on your couch as they tin can odor themselves on the furniture. They will so presume that this sofa is theirs to scratch as they call up it is their territory.

If this is why your true cat is scratching your leather sofa, you lot will demand to remove their scent by cleaning your couch daily. This may seem like hard work to start with, simply it is of import to stay on pinnacle of it. Otherwise, your cat'southward scent could arrive deep into the leather, making it hard to suspension their scratching habit.

Any leather cleaner tin can be used to remove your cat'southward scent from your couch. If you can, try using a citrus-scented cleaning production as this will hit two birds with ane stone, removing their cat smell while calculation a repellent citrus odor.

If your cat's odor is already embedded deeply into your leather couch, try using baking soda. Blistering soda is known for its ability to capture and absorb odors. Merely rub baking soda over your couch and go out it there for ane-2 hours. After the time is upward, wipe it off and vacuum up whatever loose powder from the flooring.

v. Create a Vinegar Deterrent

As well as scents, vinegar can also be used every bit a natural cat repellent to stop your cat from scratching your leather piece of furniture. White vinegar works all-time, but you should ever dilute this downward with i part vinegar to 2 parts h2o and so that the smell is not likewise overwhelming and information technology doesn't harm your furniture.

Before spraying vinegar all over your leather couch, always exam a small patch showtime to check that it will not bleach or stain. If information technology is fine and does not cause damage, you can then spray white vinegar on your couch in one case a week.

If you lot notice that the vinegar does appear to damage your furniture, you lot tin can instead soak cotton wool or a sponge in the white vinegar. Place this in a container and slide it under the side of your couch. The vinegar should still deter your cat while non even touching your burrow, completely removing the take a chance of impairment to your leather article of furniture.

6. Employ Special True cat Scratch Tape

You can also use special deterrent tape to end your cat from scratching your leather couch. This cat scratch tape is a double-sided tape. Ane side sticks to your leather furniture and the other will be where your true cat'southward paws land if they try to scratch your burrow, giving them sticky paws.

For obvious reasons, cats adopt not to take viscous paws. They may still make an effort to scratch your article of furniture, but once they realize their paws are getting glutinous, they volition likely walk away and discover a new spot to scratch.

Although being unpleasant, this is not dangerous or harmful for cats and and then is a condom way to deter cats from scratching. However, always use special anti-scratch tape for cats, otherwise it could be too sticky and crusade harm both to their paws and your furniture.

Yous volition demand to replace the tape regularly as fluff and dirt will get stuck to its surface, removing its stickiness and therefore its cat repelling ability. Also, if you notice the tape coming loose, remove it immediately and replace information technology with a fresh piece. Your true cat could pull any loose tape off which could act as a choking hazard.

7. Provide Other Stimulation & Attending

Oft, cats tin can misbehave as they are bored and need something to stimulate them both mentally and physically. They could besides be clawing your article of furniture as a way of seeking attending, knowing that y'all'll come up over to stop them if you notice them scratching your couch.

You tin can provide stimulation in a variety of ways, merely making certain your cat has lots of toys and playing together with them regularly tin help to keep your cat entertained, mentally stimulated, and active, while giving them some one-on-one attention. At that place are heaps of true cat toys available on the market place, and so endeavor a few unlike options to see what your cat likes best.

If your true cat is alone for long periods such every bit when you're out at work each day, having the radio on in the background will provide them will some stimulation while you're not at that place. Motorized and motion-sensor toys are also great for cats who are domicile alone as they tin can play with these themselves.

If you don't take money to buy new toys, you tin make some using mutual household items. Cardboard boxes are peachy for cats and they love to hibernate inside them. Ping-pong balls are also a great and inexpensive option or fifty-fifty tie some thick string to a stick to elevate effectually the floor.

8. Trim Their Claws

You tin can also trim your true cat'south claw to keep them from scratching your leather piece of furniture, or anywhere else around your dwelling house. Cats don't similar to have claws that are too long, and often they scratch objects as they are trying to file their claws down and keep them trim.

By trimming your true cat's claws from them, y'all are removing the need for them to scratch your piece of furniture. And if they practice still scratch your couch, their curt and filed claws are unlikely to crusade whatsoever major harm.

How Do I Trim My Cat's Claws?

You may be nervous almost trimming your cat'south claws, but clipping their nails can be calm and enjoyable. Ideally, you want to get your cat used to having their claws trimmed from a young age, but even older cats tin happily sit and have their claws clipped if you lot follow these steps:

  • Fix the mood by sitting down comfortably in a quiet room with your cat on your lap, with no toys, distractions, or other pets around. Your cat will be virtually sleepy and relaxed later on a repast, so this is the ideal time.
  • Start massaging your cat'south paws gently for up to 3 seconds. If they retract, continue trying slowly until they are comfortable with you touching their paws.
  • Gently push button on their paw pads so that the claws extend outwards and let go straight away. Each time, give your cat a care for afterward so that they associate this with good behavior. Echo slowly and calmly for all their toes.
  • Go you cat used to the audio of the clippers by cut a piece of spaghetti with them each fourth dimension y'all printing on their to pad, followed by a care for. This will assist them link the sound to the move so when y'all trim their claws they won't be frightened.
  • Once your cat is content and happy, you tin can trim their claws by pushing downwardly on their pads gently and cutting the cease of their claws. Never cut the pinkish office of their nails as this will hurt them. Only ever cut the white part at the end and, if not sure, it is better to err on the side of circumspection than take chances hurting them.
  • Start by trimming two of your true cat'due south claws at showtime, and attempt trimming two more the next day and then along until all their claws have been trimmed. As they get more accustomed to the motion, they will happily sit down and let you trim all their claws at in one case.

Should I Get My True cat Declawed?

You lot may be wondering if you can permanently remove your true cat'due south claws as a quick fix for unwanted scratching. This is called declawing, and to do and so the final os of each of your cat's toes has to be removed, similar to cutting off your finger at its final knuckle.

Equally you've probably guessed, this is not a skilful idea. This is detrimental to cats' physical health and can pb to severe pain in their paws, tissue damage, back pain, and infection. Sometimes cats' claws tin too grow back if they have not been properly removed, which can lead to nervus damage.

Cats that accept been declawed can besides accept many behavioral issues. They tin can become more likely to seize with teeth as they do not take their claws for protection and are less probable to utilise their litter box due to the issues with the nerves in their paws.

No matter how much you lot wish your cat would terminate scratching your leather piece of furniture, never get them declawed.

Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture?

You now know how to cease cats from scratching leather couches, but to choose an effective and advisable method from the ones listed higher up, you as well need to understand why cats scratch. This way, you can be sure to choose a method or methods that piece of work!

The important thing to remember is that scratching is a natural behavior for cats. You lot should never wait your cat to finish scratching altogether as it is instinctive. Hither are all the reasons that your cat could be scratching.

To Mark Their Territory

When a cat scratches any surface, sweat travels from their paws downwards their claws and into the surface that they are scratching. This sweat contains pheromones that cats' sensitive noses tin can odor. Past scratching, cats mark their territory as then other cats who smell this scent will know to stay out of this expanse and find their ain space.

While this is a common reason for cats to scratch in the wild, it is less common for domesticated cats. However, if you lot live in a multi-true cat household, your cat may exist scratching your leather furniture to tell your other cats to stay away.

Even if you have ane cat in your household, your cat may feel like they don't have their own space. Cats demand to take a private surface area that they feel is theirs and theirs lonely. If your cat feels like they don't accept this private space, they could be scratching to marking their territory in an endeavour to create an surface area for themselves.

Also, if your cat has already marked your territory on your couch, you lot will need to clean this scent away and then that they know information technology isn't their scratching zone after all.

To Sharpen and Trim Their Claws

In the wild, cats need to have sharp claws. They rely on these claws being sharp to catch their casualty, as well as protecting themselves from predators further upward the food chain. Therefore, having sharp claws are key to a true cat's survival, providing them both an opportunity to grab food and protection.

Although domesticated cats practice non demand to chase for their food nor protect themselves from predators, this survival instinct notwithstanding persists. This could be the reason why your cat is scratching your burrow.

In improver to this, claws that are too long can cause cats pain. They tin exist hard to retract when they get likewise long, and they can curl dorsum into the pads of their paws which makes walking uncomfortable and hard. Because of this, cats volition also scratch to go along their claws short enough so that they remain comfortable. If there is a leather couch nearby, this may get their claw trimming solution.

They Are Curious

You may already have heard the saying "curiosity killed the cat." In fact, while this is only a metaphor, at that place is some truth in it: cats are curious. They are naturally inquisitive creatures and honey discovering everything they tin can about the world around them.

Leather furniture or a brand new couch are more likely to be clawed at considering they are new and exciting to your cat. Whereas your cat may be used to clawing at their scratching post or the trees outside, leather is a much more than interesting textile that your true cat will likely not have come across before.

If this is the reason why your true cat is scratching the furniture, wait at providing constant new stimuli to keep your true cat entertained and to turn their attending abroad from your burrow. Toys and cat trees are a cracking way to terminate a curious cat from scratching your furniture.

They Feel Vulnerable

Cats can also scratch because they experience stressed and vulnerable. It is usually easy to tell if this is why your true cat is clawing at your piece of furniture as the hook marks will most likely be close to doorways or open up spaces where your cat feels near on edge.

On top of this, your cat may show other signs of stress. Stress can manifest as physical symptoms such as eating less, losing their fur, or sleeping more than often. There can as well be other behavioral symptoms, including not using their litter tray or acting aggressively.

A huge range of things tin crusade your cat to feel vulnerable as they are sensitive creatures. This can exist annihilation from there being a new pet or person in your domicile to them not having a litter tray that they like to utilise. Moving firm can likewise trigger anxiety in felines, equally can competition for resources in a multi-true cat household or simply a change in routine.

If your cat's scratching behavior is new or overly aggressive, endeavor to think of annihilation that you lot may have changed. Fifty-fifty if the change is pocket-sized, you tin can try reversing it if possible to make your cat feel more at ease again.

You can also make your cat feel more at ease past offer them enough of places to hide. These places offer them safety and a place to turn if they are feeling overwhelmed. You do not take to spend money on new pet caddies – fifty-fifty an old cardboard box will piece of work a treat. True cat flaps are besides a practiced idea as your cat can enter and leave the firm as they wish, helping them to experience secure.


Information technology is of import to remember that scratching is a natural behavior for cats. In the wild, it is essential for their survival and their safety, and domesticated cats still bear these instincts. Cats that are extremely curious or feel vulnerable tin also scratch more than than other felines.

Because scratching is instinctive, we will never eliminate this behavior. All the same, past providing an culling place for your cat to scratch and encouraging them to use this instead of your leather couch by using deterrent sprays or other repellents, we can salve our piece of furniture! A combination of methods works all-time, but recall never to get your cat declawed.

Effort these different solutions and you lot'll have a happier and healthier cat and leather furniture that isn't ruined by your petty furball. Win-win!
