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Upload and Save Photos to Google Voice

ODK Collect and Google Drive Integration to Shop and Manage Your Data

More and more organizations are using mobile devices to collect data in the field. Open Data Kit (ODK) is a gratis, open up-source suite of tools that allows data drove using Android mobile devices and data submission to an online server, fifty-fifty without an Internet connection or mobile carrier service at the time of data collection. Streamline the data collection process with ODK Collect past replacing traditional paper forms with electronic forms that allow text, numeric information, GPS, photo, video, barcodes, and audio uploads to an online server.

Created by developers at the Academy of Washington'south Computer science and Engineering section and members of Modify, Open up Data Kit is an open-source project bachelor to all. To learn more about ODK, view recent updates, more tutorials, and to contribute to the projection, visit

When using ODK Collect, y'all accept several options for where to send the data yous've collected in the field:

  • ODK Amass, allowing y'all to host survey forms and responses on your own deject-based server.
  • Google Drive and Google Sheets, assuasive ODK Collect to access survey forms in your Google Drive account and send information nerveless on an Android device directly to Google Sheets.

The Google Drive and Google Sheets pick makes setting up a mobile information drove effort simple. Upload your ODK forms to Google Drive and ODK Collect will observe them. Then, collect data on your mobile device offline in the field. When you're dorsum online, ship information technology to Google Sheets. If your form includes photos, they volition be stored unlisted on your Google Photos Anthology Archive and linked to from Google Sheets. This is a simple, user-friendly way to manage and store your ODK data without having to set a server like ODK Aggregate.

If you need a more robust option for your projection, review our ODK Aggregate tutorial.

Tutorial Contents

  • Prerequisites

  • Create Your Course for Data Collection & Submissions

  • Deploy Your Course

  • Install & Configure ODK Collect

  • Collect Data Using ODK Collect

  • View Your Data

  • What's Side by side


  • You'll need a Google Account (or create a new Google Business relationship)
  • You need an Android mobile device running Android Bone of 1.half-dozen or newer.

Create Your Form for Information Collection & Submissions

There are several means you can create forms for ODK. Y'all can use ODK Build (a drag-and-driblet form designer) or pattern your class in a spreadsheet using XLSForm. Almost ODK users design their forms in Excel just if yous're creating a class for the first fourth dimension, ODK Build may be the simplest fashion to start. We comprehend the ODK Build method below but if you're interested in other methods you tin learn more in the ODK Docs.

  1. Get to ODK Build at

  2. Create a new account or log in with an existing account. Note that this business relationship is dissimilar from your Google Account, and you can choose to use a different login and password. Your forms will be saved to this account for future reference.


  3. Add questions to your form past clicking on the type of question you'd like to add (eg. location, text, etc.) at the lesser of the folio.


    Each question has several mutual properties besides as unique backdrop. For an explanation of the Mutual Properties, come across below. You do non need to save each question as you lot go, but think to save the form when you lot're satisfied with information technology.

  4. Enter a Text question, such every bit "What is your proper noun?", in the Caption Text department.

    Fill in the properties of the text field question on the right-manus side. Optional: you tin enter a minimum and/or maximum grapheme length for the text field.

  5. Enter a Numeric field to allow users to record a number in their form, such as "What is your age?" in the Caption Text section.

    In the backdrop section, specify whether you'd like to record the number equally an Integer (whole number) or Decimal (0.0)

  6. Let the form users to specify a Appointment. The phone will automatically record the current date, and allow the user to enter the appointment or modify the date in your form.

  7. If the users of your form take a mobile device that is equipped with a GPS chipset, you tin can add a Location entry into your form. The question volition prompt the user to record the GPS location. The user will exist able to view an estimate of the phone'southward built-in GPS accurateness while the phone's GPS acquires satellite positions.

  8. Allow users of your form to attach media files to their form submissions. You can select from Prototype, Audio or Video equally media format. The form will switch to the device's camera style, vocalisation memo mode or video photographic camera mode, and the media volition be stored with that form entry. For this example, enter "Have a photo" in the Caption Text section and select "Image" every bit the Kind of media you will use from the drop-down menu. Hint: if you know you lot're going to take a slow net connection when yous desire to upload your course submissions, and you wish to take photos inside your forms, some devices allow you to reduce the default prototype size so the filesize is smaller when you want to ship your completed data over the internet.

  9. Use the "Choose One" question type if you lot'd similar the user to select one option from several options. You can specify which options you present past clicking "Add Choice." Make sure you add an underlying value to your Options; this is required for each Option. Utilise lower instance text and underscores ( _ ) instead of spaces.

  10. Utilise the "Choose Multiple" question type for multiple selection questions. As with Choose One, make sure to add an underlying value to each Pick and use lower case and underscores for the underlying value fields.

    Common Properties in Form Questions:

    Data name (required): This is the variable name that is stored in the xml of your form. You lot must use lower case and underscores ( _ ) instead of spaces.

    Caption Text (required): Enter your question as yous'd similar it presented to the user.

    Hint: Specify a question'due south hint or aid text. Note: If you are localizing your form, you must enter English text here likewise every bit localized text. If you exercise not want to enter English language default text, yous must create the forms every bit xml in a text editor. Run into the tip at the end of this tutorial for more than information about localizing forms.

    Default value: this is the default data that will be presented to the user. For case, if you are gathering information on a group of children and you know the majority of the childrens' age is 12, you tin enter "12" every bit a default value.

    Read-only: If you don't want the user to be able to enter information for this question, check this box.

    Required: Users will non be able to save a form as completed unless they have entered data for questions that are checked "required."


  11. Once you're satisfied with your grade, save it to your ODK Build account. Go to File > Salvage Form As. Next fourth dimension you log in to your account, you tin can select File > Open up to open the form.

More information near ODK Build is bachelor on the ODK website.

Deploy Your Class

Now you will demand to host the survey form you lot built with ODK Build in your Google Drive so that your project squad will be able to download information technology to their Android phones. Y'all'll also need to create a spreadsheet which volition be where completed survey responses from your projection team volition exist sent and stored.

  1. Log in to Google Drive with your Google account.

  2. Create a Google Drive folder for your ODK project. Select Add new and cull Folder. Give the folder a proper name you'll remember.

  3. In the ODK project folder, add a new spreadsheet. Select Add together new and choose Sheet. This will be the spreadsheet that collects your ODK survey responses.

  4. In the new Sail, click the Share push and set the Sheet to "Anyone with the link tin edit".


  5. Re-create the Sheet URL.

  6. In another browser tab, open up your survey grade in ODK Build.

  7. In ODK Build, get to Edit > Form Properties. Paste the Canvas URL in the submission URL field.


  8. In ODK Build, download your form as an XML file. Click File > Export to XML. Then in the pop up window, click Download.

  9. Switching back to Google Bulldoze, click New and upload the xml course to your ODK project folder.

  10. Click on the XML file in your ODK projection binder, and then click the Share push button. Change the settings to "Anyone with the link" tin can edit and add whatever individuals who need to download the form on their Android. For a person to exist able to download your form, the course must be shared with their Google account then they see it in their "Shared With Me" Bulldoze files.

Install & Configure ODK Collect

  1. Go to the Google Play Shop and search for ODK Collect. If you already have ODK Collect installed, update information technology so you take the newest version.

  2. Open up the ODK Collect app

  3. Click on the Carte (3 dots in the upper correct corner)

  4. Click on General Settings

  5. Under Server Settings, click on Type and then you lot can alter the destination path for where your ODK Collect data will be sent.

  6. Select "Google Drive, Google Sheets"

  7. Adjacent, click on Google Account and choose the account you wish to use with ODK Collect. This account will be where you store your forms on Google Drive and where your spreadsheet with all your and others' ODK data submissions volition alive. (Practise not enter anything in the "Fallback submission URL" field.)

  8. TIP: The Android device needs to be connected to a Google Account with editing rights to the form you created. Add a Google Business relationship to your Android phone.

  9. Striking the dorsum push to return to the chief menu.

Collect Data Using ODK Collect

  1. Click "Get Blank Course." Then click "My Drive." Click "Allow" to permit ODK Collect access your Google Drive account. ODK Collect will search your Google Drive business relationship for XML files, which will display later your list of folders. A good trick is to organize your XML files into a folder then yous can find them easily.

    1. Searching for forms: It'southward faster to search for forms than to browse for forms.

    2. Browsing My Drive or Shared With Me: you can browse My Drive or Shared With Me (eastward.g. if you've shared your form with data collectors, this is where they would go to navigate to your form, but search is faster). XML files will display underneath your folder directory.

  2. Search for the course y'all just added by entering the class name in the search box. Click the bank check box on the right side and hitting "Download Selected." You lot'll see a window appear saying "Success" in one case the form completes downloading. Download your sample grade that you simply created.

  3. In the master menu of ODK Collect, click "Fill Bare Form" and proceed to fill out your information. When complete, striking "Send Finalized Grade" and your submission volition announced in your Google Canvas.

    1. The first fourth dimension you send a submission to your new canvas, your device will enquire for permission to submit to Google Drive. Click Allow to ship information to your canvas.

    2. TIP: If you encounter an error submitting to Sheets, try deleting other forms yous're no longer using. Primary Card > Delete Saved Form.

    3. This video shows how to submit ODK Collect data to Google Sheets. (1:53)

View Your Data

  1. Become to your submission Sheet to view your information. You lot don't demand to refresh the page to encounter new data streaming in.

  2. If y'all've included a photo in your form, your sheet will include a link to the photo. Photos are sent to each user'south Google Photos Album Archive associated with their Google account in an unlisted album where only users with the link tin view. Each photo volition exist stored in an album with the grade name, and so you tin browse through photos submitted to one form.

  3. To visualize your data submissions on a map, you can utilise Google My Maps. Maps that you lot create are besides stored in your Google Drive account, so all of your ODK information can be hosted, managed and visualized in 1 Drive Folder. Follow step-by-step instructions to import info into Google Maps, or visit the Visualize Your Data on a Custom Map using My Maps tutorial. You lot can either download your data every bit a CSV file or import directly from Google Sheets.

Congratulations -- you are now using Google Drive to store and manage your ODK Collect data!

What's Next

  • Meet all tutorials.
